My new year’s tradition is a get together of what I call the ‘psychic friends network,’ the people in my life who are switched on! Apart from eating and gossiping, the main point of the day, which everyone itches for anxiously, is when the tarot cards come out for a yearly forecast. It’s great fun to hear the complimentary and contradictory interpretations from this crowd of professional readers, healers, and dabblers like me.
Last years cards resonated strongly: The 7 of cups and my inability to see a clear path, desire or direction, the 3 of wands with my constant moving home and restless spirit, and the Knight of Swords who spent a lot of time angry due mainly to the previous two conditions!
So what can I expect from this years lineup?
Oh, how I groaned! I am always a pessimist when reading for myself, so this re-interpretation definitely reflects that.
In 2011 I am heading into a 5 year and have been thinking about it for a few weeks. I decided that I hate the fives for their sense of disunity, particularly in the sense of geomancy, where the 4 points of a perfect square are appended with a single point. The image that results is a sort of pyramid. In the positive sense this shape points towards ascension, but is based upon upsetting stability through spiritual challenge.
So when I landed two fives, I was not happy, but at least I know what aspects of the five I have to work on! The five of pentacles speaks of a lack of belief in the self and spirit. For me personally however, I think this card is definitely a call to challenge my poverty consciousness, which is pretty ingrained and fundamental in my world view. I need to empower new financial opportunities in ways that don’t make me feel overwhelmed, or else the tendency in this card is to abandon a challenge. This card also suggests a lack of physical equilibrium – I sat in this card once for a year with a busted knee – it was a perfect lesson but hopefully I can circumvent the physical manifestations by tackling my problematic beliefs head on!
The 5 of Wands is a card I find to be one of feeling unremarkable, of always having to fight hard to prove your merit as an individual. It came up a lot last year in relation to looking for work and job interviews, becoming an omen for not having enough experience or the personal qualities that would see me successful in a competitive marketplace. This card really offends my personal sensibilities, which sounds silly, but it is because my tendencies towards overt eccentricity are incongruous with its normality-come-drudgery. On the plus, it may mean that I gain a sense that I am more compatible with the rest of the world than I might think. What it really sung to me was that I need to buckle down and work hard at university this year – I won’t have the natural talent and ease that I have had studying in other areas – but instead will be challenged by new material that I don’t know how to navigate. The five of wands also indicates a lot more social activity, particularly with like-minded people, but also suggests that the year might be marked with conflict.
For me the Queen of Pentacles was the anchor of this prediction – it is what will make these struggles worthwhile. The reason I am returning to study were to pursue the Queen’s ability to manifest a comfortable living, financial abundance and the space for creative projects in her life. I just need to meet the challenges that will allow this to be a possibility in my future. The end of the year should see a return to greater ease. I will use this card as an ideal for my living situation in the year to come, one that may see me stop moving so much, and settle somewhere where I can grow a beautiful garden, inside and out.
I picked up an agate pyramid on the same weekend – part of my usual pattern of picking up second hand items that become unexpectedly meaningful - so I will use this as a good reminder to work on focusing the potential for assention, rather than disunity, that can be brought about in this year of fives.
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