Gala Hallelujah Blog

A casual guide for the believer. Sharing love, light and knowledge of how to spiritually succeed in everyday life.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Introducing the Author

This is an introductory post to let you know a little about me. I hope that this will help you as a reader understand some of the experiences and attitudes that inform the writing and advice available here.

My name is Gala Hallelujah, I am 26 and live in Melbourne, Australia. I am part artist, part academic, part shaman, but I am mainly just someone who is on the path: seeking knowledge, growth and enlightenment amidst everyday life.

I grew up in a new-age household, which put me on the path from an early age. My mother runs the fabulous Australian School of Tarot that offers tarot readings and classes. I have completed her courses, so my main modality has been Tarot reading. I also work intuitively, practice reiki, have experience with a wide array of development techniques and alternative therapies, have participated in a lot of ceremony and am gifted with the ability to work with sound healing. I am influenced by western esotericism, shamanism, Christianity, voodoo and popular culture.

I see my life as a journey that is oriented to spiritual learning and see most actions as part of my daily practice. This is because it is what I discover along the way - by being open to spiritual guidance and listening intuitively - that brings me the greatest spiritual insight and understanding. Hopefully I can share some of it here with like-minded individuals.

To keep myself happy I paint. I am currently working on painting a series of mandalas that work to embody spiritual energies and symbols. They are designed for healing and meditation, but are also great fun to put on a wall. I will feature images of these on here as they are made! I also love to sing and create music and am often humming away, making tunes, performing and enjoying the incredible vibrations that music brings into your life.

I have a Masters in Cinema Studies and am currently studying to become a psychologist. In the long term, I’m working on becoming a therapist that works between mainstream and metaphysical modalities. Considering this aim, this blog is a way to start thinking about psychology and spirituality in practice and to start expanding upon some of the ideas that I think bring the two together.

I hope that you find something in this blog that helps you in your journey.

Love and Light - Gala

1 comment:

Shiawase said...

Welcome back to the blogging world!
